JOURNAL ENTRY - 7 Feb 2003
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 6:55 AM
Subject: Time
To those concerned with our safety,
We will be doing repairs Sat the 8th on the main pier across from Koh Chang and then leaving for a southern island in the Koh Chang chain on the 9th. We will start crossing the gulf of Thailand on the morning of the 10th of Feb and should arrive within 5 days at the slowest.

I will write a letter as soon as we arrive in the area of Koh Samui. If we do not arrive by the 21st then be concerned.
We received a new EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) which is pretty top of the line as far as safety equipment goes, from my mum just the other day so we will be twice as safe as before.
I am confident in my crew and they seem to be relating pretty well right off the boat. Everyone is keen on repairs and the tasks at hand. It is great having five sharp minds at work on the problems of the boat.
If I do not have time to write another letter than we will be off on the days I have indicated.
I am sorry I am lagging a bit on the Bangkok wedding chapter but I will try to make it as good as the last. Should I make it as long and thorough as the last? What is the vote from my readers? Short and succinct or long and thorough?
Yours truly,
Captain Andy