JOURNAL ENTRY - 5 Jan 2003
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 1:13 AM
Subject: Leaving Ko Si Chang
This is a short letter to let those concerned with our itinerary know where w are headed and when.
Tony and I will be leaving Koh Si Chang bright and early the morning of the 6th Jan 2003. We are first headed to Koh Pai and will explore that little group of islands in the afternoon. then we will head over to Koh Lan the next two days or so. If we skip Koh Lan then we will head for Koh Samae San and then Koh Samet.

I spent the last few days getting the alternator and the regulator as well as the ampmetter functioning properly and also boosting our bank of electrical power. We have spent a very pleasant and interesting two weeks here but I am ready to leave.
Last night there was quite a bit of Phosphoresence in the water and as i flushed the toilet (it pulls in salt water from outside the boat) i watched a few galaxies swirl into the black hole at he bottom of the toilet bowl. it was slightly sureal and slightly silly.
hope all is well in the states, Canada and elsewhere